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While mostly aimed at businesses, that doesn’t mean that InMotionHosting doesn’t care about small-time users, providing great support for everyone.

If you are looking for a truly reliable hosting provider, who will help you and support your website then choose InMotionHosting


  • 99.99% uptime;
  • Free SSL and cPanel license;
  • 90 Days refund period;
  • Unlimited bandwidth.


  • Mediocre support speed;
  • Only US locations;
  • Some of the plans are only available for yearly subscriptions.


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John Cardona
John Cardona

I'm an expert in external communications, worked in hosting companies from the United States, Germany, and the Netherlands. In my free time, I Meditate and learn Chinese.


    Based in Germany, Contabo started late back in 2003 by the name “Giga-International” eventually outgrowing the initial German market, aiming towards being in line with their name, strangely so changing it “Contabo” as we know it. Having served over 120 000 satisfied customers, Contabo is a strong competitor on the market. Their servers are located in the US, Europe, and Asia.

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      Founded in 2006, a Canadian hosting company aimed at small and medium businesses Provides services of shared, VPS, WordPress hostings. In addition, they offer email, google workspace, and Microsoft 365 services. Their data centers are located in the US, Canada, and Europe

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        Founded in 2013, AbeloHost is a Netherland-operated hosting provider, offering the services of offshore hosting solutions. Their data centers are located in Netherland.

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          Is an international hosting provider, operating since 2010, and provides all of the popular hosting solutions: Shared, VPS, Dedicated server. Host4Geeks has 4 data centers, 2 located in the US, one in Europe, and one in India

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