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HostWithLove is a reliable provider, suitable for personal projects as well as for any scaled businesses. As a customer, you have all of the necessary and helpful additional features. Besides that all of the solutions are fully managed, so you as an owner of your business would not need to worry about server management yourself.


  • A variety of locations to choose from;
  • Free cPanel;
  • Completely and fully managed;
  • Highly Customizable;
  • JetBackup with 1TB space.


  • No free SSL is provided by the company.

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Nadine Protas
Nadine Protas

Master coder and specialist in website management.


    Young and local, Australian hosting company, that was founded in 2017. HBHosting is a web hosting provider, meaning shared solutions are the only type the company provides. The data center is located in Australia.

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      Hostiso is a hosting company known for providing the full package of hosting plans: Shared, VPS, and dedicated server solutions. The company was founded back in 2010, with the main Headquarters located in Switzerland. The datacentres are located all over the world, including the US, Canada, Germany, France, UK, Japan, and Brasil.

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        TuchaCloud was founded in 2005, and it is a Polish company aimed at providing quality VPS hosting solutions. Their data center is located in Germany, surprisingly.

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          As would the name suggest, is a company centered around providing Shared hosting solutions and variations of it, like WP and Mini hosting. The company was founded in 2005 in the US. The servers are located in the US as well.

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