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The company is still fresh, still growing, and expanding its services. Because of that, there’s not a lot to say overall about it. There isn't a lot of concrete information to decide and tell with utmost confidence whether you should try or not try this company. But if you want to support a growing, young company with a lot of ambition, then go ahead.


  • Fast response times and quality; 
  • Free SSL;
  • Custom professional service for your site;
  • Extremely cheap.


  • India is the only location;
  • Almost no security or performance measures taken;
  • Not a lot of information in general;
  • Only shared solutions are openly available. 

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John Cardona
John Cardona

I'm an expert in external communications, worked in hosting companies from the United States, Germany, and the Netherlands. In my free time, I Meditate and learn Chinese.


    BlazingFast.Host is an international hosting company that was founded around 2021. The company provides the full package of hosting services: Shared, VPS, and dedicated server solutions. The servers are located in the UK, Singapore, France, and the US.

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      NinzaHost presents itself as a cheap Indian hosting, the company is still relatively young, as it was founded in 2019. Concerning the services provided, the company offers almost all of the popular hosting solutions like Shared, VPS, and Cloud. The data center is located in India as well.

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        Is an American hosting company that started out in 2009 and haven't stopped growing since then, expanding to other location and data centers. SolaDrive provides VPS and dedicated servers solutions. The company owns 5 data centers, most of them are located in the US, to be precise, 3 of them, one in the UK, and the last one, the newest, is located in Singapore.

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          As the name suggests, is an eco-friendly hosting company. It was founded in 2013 in America. The aim of the company is to provide quality VPS hosting solutions. The data centers are located all over the world and are numerous, they are located in the US, Europe, and Asia.

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