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VCCL is clearly aimed at a medium to large-scale business with a large dedicated servers focus. A client is provided with a set of skeleton features to make a working and reliable hosting. The sheer variety of services will help find your ideal hosting option.


  • Moderate response times from support
  • Free SSL, cPanel;
  • 4 Locations;
  • Unlimited bandwidth.


  • Laggy site;
  • Laggy live chat;
  • Backups are sometimes limited to higher plans;
  • Indian tech support.

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Chandra Singh
Chandra Singh

My mom works at Google and my dad is from India, so I am fluent in PHP, Java, and Hindi.


    IveCloud is one of the most popular hosting providers in South Africa. Founded in 2008 and later in 2017 reformed as a sister company to “Geek Hosting Solutions”. The company provides Shared and VPS hosting solutions. IveCloud has two data centers located in South Africa.

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      Was founded in 2014 and is an Indian hosting company that provides a full package of services including solutions like shared, VPS, and dedicated server. Their data centers are located all over the globe

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        Skb Enterprise is one of the few truly Netherlands-based hosting companies, as all of their assets are located there. It was founded in 2014 and over the years grew to provide all of the popular and need hosting types: Shared, VPS, and Dedicated server solutions.

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          LigHost is a very young hosting company, founded in 2021. What started out as a shared-centric provider now provides all of the popular hosting solutions: Shared, VPS, and dedicated server services. The data center is located in Germany.

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