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HostBreaks offers a lot of services and variations of them at an affordable price. The solutions presented are both suitable for personal projects and any scaled business, but it is clear that the company puts a strong emphasis on businesses. The business plans have much more features and eCommerce-centric solutions overall. If you are planning on running a business venture, then check out HostBreak 


  • Fast support response times;
  • A variety of services;
  • Free cPanel and an SSL certificate.


  • Usual plans are somewhat reserved compared to business plans;
  • Some features advertised have to be paid for.


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Chandra Singh
Chandra Singh

My mom works at Google and my dad is from India, so I am fluent in PHP, Java, and Hindi.


    Founded in 2013, AbeloHost is a Netherland-operated hosting provider, offering the services of offshore hosting solutions. Their data centers are located in Netherland.

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      Is an international hosting provider, operating since 2010, and provides all of the popular hosting solutions: Shared, VPS, Dedicated server. Host4Geeks has 4 data centers, 2 located in the US, one in Europe, and one in India

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        IcdSoft is a self-sufficient hosting company that started in the US, founded in 2001. The company focuses on providing VPS and shared hosting solutions. The data centers are located in three distinct parts of the world: China, the US, and Bulgaria.

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