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A seasoned company with over 20 years of experience. A lot of services so anyone could find the perfect solution for them. Experienced support and unrivaled performance are all that characterize LiquidWeb. You are sure to find an ideal place for your site, even the ones that will require some very specific configuration.


  • Fast response times
  • 20 years experience;
  • Free control panel;
  • Superb Performance;
  • A variety of solutions;
  • 100% SLA uptime.


  • Only two locations
  • Pricey;
  • No SSL certificate provided.


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Leeloo Dallas
Leeloo Dallas

An in-depth programming expert. I could have written more though... but big things come in small packages)


    Kinsta is an international hosting company that was founded in 2013. The company’s services are not divided into usual categories like shared, VPS, and dedicated, instead, they have a unique system of plans. The data centers are located all over the world in more than 15 locations.

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      MonsterMegs is an American hosting company that was founded in 2011. Shortly after they developed their very own mascot. The company offers services of shared and semi-dedicated servers. The company has two data centers, one in the US and the other is in the Netherlands.

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        Is an Indian-operated hosting company that started out in 2013. Genhost presents itself as an extremely cheap, robust hosting. They provide only 2 types of hostings: Shared and Reseller solutions with their variations. Their servers are located in France and Singapore.

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          Is a hosting company founded back in 2012, with headquarters located in the United Arab Emirates. They offer all of the popular hosting solutions, shared, VPS, and Dedicated hostings. Their data centers are located in the Netherlands and Romania.

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